Bluestacks allows you to play Android games on your PC locally or on the cloud. It offers Bluestacks 5 and Bluestacks X. This post mainly introduces the differences between Bluestacks 5 and Bluestacks X. For more useful computer tutorials, you can visit MiniTool Software official website.

Bluestacks is a well-known free Android emulator for Windows. You can use this program to emulate your Android device on your PC and play your favorite Android games locally on your PC or play on the cloud.

It originally released a desktop Android app player and the latest version is Bluestacks 5. Later, it also produces and releases the cloud-based version of Bluestacks named Bluestacks X to let users play Android games on PC on the cloud without downloading. This post mainly explains the differences between Bluestacks 5 and Bluestacks X.

What Is Bluestacks 5?

Bluestacks 5 is the free Android app player from Bluestacks that lets you play mobile games locally on your PC. You can download and install Bluestacks 5 on your PC, and then use it to download and play your favorite Android games on your PC. It lets you access more than 2 million mobile games.

What Is Bluestacks X?

Unlike Bluestacks 5, Bluestacks X is a cloud-based free Android gaming platform that lets you play Android games on the cloud without downloading the game. It is powered by the AI Hybrid Cloud Technology. It also lets you access over 2 million Android games on your PC.

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Bluestacks 5 vs Bluestacks X – Differences

  • Bluestacks 5 lets you play Android games on your PC locally. You need to download and install the games on your PC to play them. On the other hand, Bluestacks lets you play Android games on the cloud, without downloading the games. You can play your favorite mobile games directly in the browser with a superior experience.
  • By using Bluestacks X, it can save much storage space for your PC since it doesn’t require you to download the games to your PC. On the contrary, 3-4 GB of storage space is needed to accumulate the game data if you use Bluestacks 5.
  • Since Bluestacks saves your game process on the cloud, it can sync the mobile games across multiple platforms. You can continue playing the game on another device from where you left off.
  • Bluestacks 5 has minimum system requirements to run the application and play games. However, Bluestacks X doesn’t have particular system requirements.
  • Bluestacks X emphasizes more on the internet connection than Bluestacks 5. It requires a stable internet connection with a speed of at least 5 Mbps to ensure smooth gameplay on the cloud.
  • As for the game performance benchmark, it may take 20-30 minutes to get into a game when you play a game locally on PC with Bluestacks 5, whereas it features a one-click instant play for cloud gaming with Bluestacks X.
  • By using Bluestacks X, you don’t need to download the game. However, you need to download the game to your PC first by using Bluestacks 5, and the download file size of most games is at least 2-3GB.

How to Download and Install Bluestacks 5 or X on Windows 10/11

  • To download Bluestacks 5 or Bluestacks X on your PC, you can go to Bluestacks’ official website or Bluestacks official download website in your browser.
  • Click the Download Bluestacks 10 button or Download Bluestacks 5 button to download its installation file to your computer.
  • Click the downloaded installation file to install Bluestacks X or Bluestacks 5 on your Windows 10/11 PC.
  • Then you can open Bluestacks X or Bluestacks 5 app to start playing your favorite Android games on your PC on the cloud or locally.

Bluestacks 5 System Requirements:

Bluestacks 5 requires Windows 7 or above, an Intel or AMD processor, at least 4GB of RAM, and 5GB of free disk space. Besides, you need to be the administrator of your PC and keep your graphics card driver up-to-date.

Bluestacks X System Requirements:

Bluestacks X doesn’t require any special requirements, but your PC should better have at least 2GB of RAM and run Windows 7 or above. A stable internet connection with at least 5Mbps speed is also recommended.

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